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1 link - 1$ donation

If you create a post on your weblog front page or create permanent links in your blogroll and link to the below organizations, then link to my blog and this posting, I will pay US$ 1 to the British Red Cross.

Anders Jacobsen is giving US$1 to the British Red Cross for every link to his blog post. A great initiative. I plan to donate to UNICEF but haven’t done so yet.

Please follow this link to the blog post. And please follow on of the links below to donate to the victims of the Tsunami. If you have a blog please take 2 mins to post a link to his blog.

International aid organizations:
UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund)
United Nations’ World Food Programme
Medecins Sans Frontieres / Doctors without Borders (donate!)
CARE International
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Disasters Emergency Comittee (DEC) - comprises a raft of aid agencies, including the below and others
British Red Cross
Save the Children UK

North America:
American Red Cross
Canadian Red Cross
Save The Children

Anders Jacobsen: Webloggers: Give to tsunami victims and I’ll give too!

Written on 02 January 2005.
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