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Cross-browser event handling

Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) does not support DOM Level 2 event handling, but have implemented their own event functions (attachEvent and detachEvent). I have made a function which will work in all modern browser. It will use W3C’s addEventListener if it is supported otherwise it will use IE’s event functions.

How to use:
execute doOnLoad() function at onloadaddEvent(window,’onload’, doOnLoad );
execute doHello() function when clicking on the helloWorld elementaddEvent(‘helloWorld’,’onclick’, doHello);

This is the script:

function addEvent(el,type,listener,useCapture) {
if(typeof el == 'string') {
el = document.getElementById(el);}
if(!el){return false;}
if(document.addEventListener) {
// W3C DOM Level 2 Events - used by Mozilla, Opera and Safari
if(!useCapture) {useCapture = false;} else {useCapture = true;}
el.addEventListener(type,listener,useCapture); } 
else {  
// MS implementation - used by Internet Explorer
el.attachEvent(type, listener); }}

function removeEvent(el,type,listener,useCapture) { 
if(typeof el == 'string') {
el = document.getElementById(el);} 
if(!el){return false;} 
if(document.removeEventListener) {  
// W3C DOM Level 2 Events - used by Mozilla, Opera and Safari  
if(!useCapture) {useCapture = false;} 
else {useCapture = true;}  
el.removeEventListener(type,listener,useCapture); } 
else {  
// MS implementation - used by Internet Explorer
el.detachEvent(type, listener); }}
Written on 21 May 2005.
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