If you want to see screenshots and some brief info about 24SevenOffice then check out this flash demo that Jonas, our talented designer over at the Stockholm office, made recently. You can also sign up for a free trial if the demo catch your interest.
I have set up a blog for 24SevenOffice and we will start writing soon. So stay tuned. I will post the link here. I will try to get some posts up on Friday as the nerd-department in 24SevenOffice will be hosting ‘innovation day’. Hopefully we will be able to add some cool new features and mash-up’s during the day. We have hosted similar daily single focused events before, such as ‘bug-fixing-day’ and ‘user-experience-day’ with a very good outcome. It’s amazing what you can accomplish in one day when you put full focus on a specific task.
Technorati: 24SevenOffice