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Free AJAX based CRM & invoice system

Check this out: We (24SevenOffice) are giving away free subscription to our web-based invoice and CRM (light) module!

If you are sole trader or working in a small start-up company finding software to create and manage invoices/orders and your customer database isn’t always easy. Some are too expensive, others don’t scale well or are missing features.

So what’s cool about this system? Web-based so you can use it anywhere! It uses the AJAX technique so it’s very fast. That means no refreshing the page when changing from one customer to another or when adding a new item in the order cart.

Be sure to check my post ‘web-applications in 2005 - a case study’ to see some information about the CRM module. Otherwise you can:

- Test-drive the system now. (Internet Explorer 6.0 required). If you test it please add your comment on what you think here!

- Sign up for free invoice and CRM system. (Click the ‘free invoice system’ link on the bottom of the page).

Written on 28 April 2005.
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