I previously covered our partner-agreement with Active 24 earlier. After signing the agreement our biggest competitor in the small business segment, Mamut, bought Active 24. Our agreement was meant to be a joint marketing initiative, including exposure of 24SevenOffice on Active 24’s website, customer newsletter’s and more. Naturally Mamut is not thrilled with this situation. But after taking over Active 24, Mamut has done nothing to comply with the signed agreement, and has also breached it by not sending out newsletters and removing 24SevenOffice from the Active 24 website. We believe in competition, but competition must be fair. Ignoring signed agreements will have consequences, thus we have sued Mamut for the breach. This was not meant to be public yet, but somehow it got leaked to the press and today there has been numerous press articles covering the case here in Norway.
24SevenOffice saksøker Mamut
24sevenoffice går til sak: Krever inntil 200 millioner av Mamut
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